Originally posted on carolynescorner:
 I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. – Thomas A. Edison How do we measure ‘good parenting?’ What yardstick do we use to say, ‘that’s a really good parent!’ The number of trophies they bring home? The A’s on their report cards? 350 marks? How well-behaved…

Kristina Grum: 3 ways to connect with your kids individually

Parenting is not easy, yet its an awesome opportunity to make a difference in our children’s lives as they learn from us and as we watch them form and grow! With the busy schedules and fast moving world we’re living in today, it has become even more important for us parents to be deliberate about… Continue reading Kristina Grum: 3 ways to connect with your kids individually

Teaching your child how to manage anger

As a mom of three children aged between 3, 8 and 11, i have had my fair share of tantrum throwing, anger outbursts and screaming, and have learnt that, if left unchecked things can turn ugly or even have long term effects. According to American Psychological Association,  “Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion.” It… Continue reading Teaching your child how to manage anger

New year, new things? How about a Vision Board!

Its that time again, when we have the opportunity to start all over, to make amends, to make new goals, new year resolutions…. it’s like we have a new page to write down the stuff we want to do or change for the next 12 months. It’s another chance at life for some! For most… Continue reading New year, new things? How about a Vision Board!

Safer Internet Day 2016

Safer Internet Day Safer Internet Day 2016 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday 9th February with the slogan ‘Play your part for a better internet’. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology… Continue reading Safer Internet Day 2016

Every Moment with your child is precious

It’s easy for parents to worry about what the future of their children will look like and no wonder we work hard to provide for them and to ensure that they have everything they need, or at least their basic needs are met. We make sure they get an education and we even go ahead to… Continue reading Every Moment with your child is precious

Are you communicating with your child?

One of the things i have deliberately decided to improve on is communication with my children. My 8 year old daughter often used to tell me, ‘Mum you’re not listening’ and this went on for a while until i made a decision to change it. More often than not, as parents, and especially Moms, we’re… Continue reading Are you communicating with your child?